The Gas Shutoff Valve LoRaWAN “Smartico V-LR” was designed for remotely shut off the gas supply in the low pressure gas network. The shut-off valve was made with autonomous power supply. It has a special valve activation mechanism that allows safe recovery of gas supply. Places of installation of protective seals are provided to prevent unauthorized access to the power source and exclude the possibility of dismantling the valve from the connecting gas pipeline.
Key features highlights :
Closing the valve if unauthorized external intervention was happened and transmitting an alarm message to the dispatcher's software.
Operation mode displayed by leds.
Monitoring and transmission of the following parameters:
• battery discharge;
• operability of internal sensors;
• strikes and changes in position;
• opening the case;
• current valve state.
Built-in non-volatile memory, events archiving, built-in real-time clock.
Data transmission in the unlicensed frequency range.
Remote blocking of gas supply from the dispatcher console.
Encryption of data transmission.
Response time - less than 1 s.
Small dimensions, ease of installation.
Battery life up to 15 years.
Description :
The Gas Shutoff Valve LoRaWAN “Smartico V-LR” was designed for remotely shut off the gas supply in the low pressure gas network. The shut-off valve was made with autonomous power supply. It has a special valve activation mechanism that allows safe recovery of gas supply. Places of installation of protective seals are provided to prevent unauthorized access to the power source and exclude the possibility of dismantling the valve from the connecting gas pipeline.
Specifications |
Compliance with LoRaWAN |
1.0.2 Class A |
Frequency plan of LoRaWAN |
EU868 / US915 |
Power of transmitter, dBm |
14 / 20 |
Network Registration Method |
Real time clock |
built-in |
Magnetic sensor |
built-in |
Motion detector |
built-in |
Data archive |
daily, events |
Built-in battery |
3.6V Li-SOCl2 D |
Capacity, mAh |
18000 |
The number of "open-closed" cycles, times / month |
> 10 |
Maximum flow rate Qmax, m³/h |
25 |
Overpressure of the ambient, kPa |
< 50 |
Ambient temperature, ° С |
-25…+75 |
Gas temperature, ° С |
-25…+55 |
Service life, years |
> 8 |